About Me

Simple Pleasures

It is another busy day. You maneuvure yourself through the bumper to bumper traffic and manage to arrive at your office in time. You then indulge yourself in the excitement and challenges with your colleagues, your boss, your clients and yourself. At the end of the day, you feel exhausted, but the thought of "home sweet home" proves to be revitalizing. Again, you hop into your car and again you maneuvure yourself through the bumper to bumper traffic (this time in the opposite direction from the morning traffic).
How are you going to reward yourself when you get home? Are you going to have a cup of coffee, sit in front of a TV or talk to your friends on Facebook? ... For me, I head straight to the bathroom for a shower. A good shower does more than washing off the dust, it returns me to my refreshed SELF.

After the shower, I reward myself with a cup of tea. Then, I'll sit on the sofa, close my eyes and enjoy a moment of peace and quiet. But wait, it is itchy, it starts from one random spot and quickly spreads all over every inch of my skin. The most effective way to reduce this irritation is to apply moisture cream on the skin. Does this sound familiar to you?

I began my journey whilst searching for the right soap for my skin. The answer surprised me. The soap that suited me the best was found in a Sunday Market. It was made by a lady working from home. I mean, how can a lady who works from home make something better than that from a large corporation?

My passion for finding the wonderful things that our ancestors had enjoyed has sparkled. If you are one of the busy bees, you may want to review your wants and needs and find out what you value most.

I have personally tested all the soaps' recipes. Hence, I am very comfortable in introducing these soaps to you. :)

Tina Yu