Why Handmade soaps?

 What are the benefits of handmade soaps over commercial soaps?

They are Environmental Friendly: Handmade soaps are made from traditional processes. They contain only natural ingredients. Once flushed during cleaning, it degrades into water and carbon dioxide and leaves very little trace of negative impact to the environment.

They provide simple pleasure to our skin: Our skin will enjoy the simple pleasures from the natural ingredients in handmade soaps over artificial chemicals present in modern soaps.
Chemicals generally used in modern soaps which are not present in handmade soaps include Artificial Antioxidants, Artificial Preservatives, Artificial Fragrances, Artificial Pigments and Hardening Agents. These chemicals are added into the soaps either to speed up soap production, extend the shelf life of the soaps or to create attractive colors and flavors... although these chemicals are added for a reason they also increase unnecessary burdens to our skins and our environment.

They clean and nourish our skin: Modern commercial soaps are made from high temperature processes. The nutritional value of the soap (if any) is destroyed during the process and leaving it with nothing more than a sheer cleaning agent. On the contrary, handmade soaps are made from cold processes, the nutrition added to the soaps are preserved during the process. It nourishes our skin while cleaning. 

 Cares needed when using handmade Soaps?

Keep it dry when not in use: Handmade soaps are much softer than modern soaps because they have a rich content of glycerin (glycerin helps retain skin moisture) and they don't have hardening agents added to it during the soap making process. We recommended that, after use,  the soap should be placed on a dry surface that does not accumulate water.

Use them before they go off: Handmade soaps use food-grade oils for the base and a combination of essential oils to soothe our body. These oils react with oxygen slowly in normal temperature and eventually produce off flavor. Therefore, we recommend that theses handmade soaps be kept packaged in a cool environment and once opened, the soap should be used up in 6-8 months. (Remarks: If off flavor develops, don't just throw it away, use a knife to carve off the surface layer of the soaps and you will find that it smells as good as new).